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Let the customers
promote you!

#1 word-of-mouth platform 

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Want real customers to share about your brand

on Social Media?

With Dizconto, it happens:

  • automatically;

  • according to your requirements;

  • at a fraction of a cost.

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You will get:

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Authentic content

Real customers will post about your brand and create loads of user-generated content.

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New customers

80% of people are influenced most in their consumer decisions by friends & family.

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Repeat sales

We will also help to trigger repeat sales from your customer evangelists.

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A must have-have

for any e-commerce.

"Dizconto is a great platform!

It helped us to get authentic exposure and user-generated content for at least

50 times cheaper than it costs

in the market today."

Pedro Paula,

Marketing Manager

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User-generated content by Nines Vieira

Your customers will

love the experience.

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The experience was great! The only thing I would change is to get Dizconto more known.

Nines Vieira

Dizconto End-User

Join our platform for free!

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